Insurances Accepted
Please call the office to find out if Dr. Singer participates in your insurance plan.
Any person may see Dr. Singer on an individually paid or "out-of-network" basis. As a courtesy, we will submit the billing to your insurance so that the charges can be applied to your deductible and so you can receive any out-of-network benefits to which you may be entitled.
Some patients with insurance choose not to submit bills to their insurance plans for reimbursement, in order to keep their current medical problem private and confidential from their family, primary care physician, insurance company databases, government records, or employer records, or for legal reasons. If you wish to keep your visit records confidential to this office, please let our staff know so that normal reports do not go out, as they often might, to referring or primary-care physicians. Please be aware that if you use your insurance benefits for any tests or scans outside this office, or to pay specialists to whom you are referred by Dr. Singer, a record of the referring physician (Dr. Singer in this case) may appear in that other facility. Talk to our staff about this if you have any concerns. Confidential records are only released with the patient's written permission or by valid subpoena.
Auto Accidents, Workers' Compensation and Personal Injury Claims require our staff to generate the appropriate insurance information, so please let us know in advance if any of these are the cause of your medical problem. Since your injuries may involve different insurance companies for whom we are not providers, payments for medical care are due at the time services are rendered. We can provide you with copies of reports and paperwork required for a minimal fee. It is the office policy that we do not accept liens. Please let our staff know in advance of the appointment if it involves an auto or work accident, or personal injury claim.