Welcome to our practice of Neurology.

Our commitment is to provide you with the best possible care. This page will answer some of your questions about receiving care from our office. Please feel free to ask questions of our staff, who will involve Dr. Singer if needed.

Patients Rights

Dr. Singer wants you to know that as a patient in his practice, you have specific and unique rights. 
These include:

  • The right to receive care regardless of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, age, or the source of payment for care.

  • The right to considerate, respectful medical care.

  • The right to privacy of your medical records.

  • The right to refuse treatment against your physician’s advice, although you must take full responsibility for this choice.

  • The right to provide feedback to our management staff via telephone, internet or in person and to receive a prompt response regarding your concerns.

  • The right to receive an explanation of charges on your patient bill if needed

Patient Responsibilities

Conversely, we ask that our patients adhere to the following ‘patient responsibilities.’ Doing so assists Dr. Singer and his staff to assist our patients to achieve better health and wellness. : 

  • Be considerate of physicians, service staff and other patients.

  • Fulfill all financial obligations for the healthcare that has been provided to you.

  • Follow all instructions from your physician and patient services staff.

  • Provide you physician with accurate and detailed information regarding all aspects of your medical history.


Initial consultations between Dr. Singer and the patient are for approximately one hour and may be scheduled by phone, fax, or e-mail. A family member, friend or caregiver is welcome to attend, with the patient's permission. Please bring copies of any pertinent information, like related medical records, lists of current or prior medications, diaries of illness history, etc.

Decisions regarding additional appointments needed, neuropsychological tests, blood tests, MRI, PET or CT scans will be made at the end of each visit. Dr. Singer encourages patients and/or their care-givers to actively participate in the decision-making process regarding their own care, and to help determine how much testing they wish to pursue and/or what treatment alternatives they would like to explore.

Patient Privacy

Dr. Singer provides care to a number of public figures (or their family members) from the worlds of business, entertainment and politics. We ask that patients respect each other's privacy to the same high standard that the doctor and staff respect the privacy of every patient. Off-hours or off-site appointments are available for additional privacy. 


A new prescription usually requires an office visit. 

Important:  Please request that your pharmacy of choice use a manual FAX when communicating with our practice. Electronic fax DOES NOT communicate well with our current equipment. 

For prescription renewals, please call the pharmacy at which the original prescription was filled. Be sure to give your pharmacist the prescription number (it should be on the bottle), and the pharmacist will fax us for approval. Please call at least a few days before you run out of medicine, as you may be requested to schedule an appointment in our office if it has been too long since the original prescription was provided. Be sure to plan ahead for weekends or travel needs. Prescriptions can be difficult or impossible to renew during a weekend when Dr. Singer or the doctor on-call does not have your medical chart. Calling our office rather than the pharmacy usually delays refilling the prescription.  

Telephone Calls and E-Mail

Every attempt will be made to respond to phone calls the day they are received; however the vagaries of medical practice (emergencies, scheduled patients and triage) do not always permit returning all calls before the end of the same day. (please remember that our office is closed on Tuesday, Thursday and Weekends) If you feel your need is same-day urgent, or even immediately urgent, please let the staff know and either they or Dr. Singer will attempt to respond appropriately. If you feel your medical need is life-threatening, call 9-1-1. Please communicate openly and honestly about your needs with our receptionists so that they can best assist you, or take the best message for Dr. Singer. Dr. Singer may have the receptionists or medical assistant reply to your call if he feels that is appropriate, such as for scheduling or paperwork. 

Communication by e-mail is encouraged and will allow Dr. Singer to better prepare to respond to questions by the end of the day. 

If Dr. Singer determines that he is not able to adequately answer a question or request by phone or e-mail, then an office visit may be suggested. Sometimes the best care requires an appointment with the doctor. 


Professional fees for office visits or hospital care are determined by the amount of time the doctor spends with you and the complexity of your needs as defined by diagnosis, research, and coordination of treatment with other physicians. We do all we can do to keep the cost of health care down, without compromising the quality of care you receive. If you ever have a question about a bill, please talk to our staff. Our specific fees for consultations, in-office testing, follow-up visits, and other procedures are available in advance by request. 

Payment is due at the time of service, except for certain insurance plan reimbursement contracts (see below). Please see our fee statement for additional details.  

Insurances Accepted

Please call the office to find out if Dr. Singer participates in your insurance plan.

Any person may see Dr. Singer on an individually paid or "out-of-network" basis. As a courtesy, we will submit the billing to your insurance so that the charges can be applied to your deductible and so you can receive any out-of-network benefits to which you may be entitled.

Some patients with insurance choose not to submit bills to their insurance plans for reimbursement, in order to keep their current medical problem private and confidential from their family, primary care physician, insurance company databases, government records, or employer records, or for legal reasons. If you wish to keep your visit records confidential to this office, please let our staff know so that normal reports do not go out, as they often might, to referring or primary-care physicians. Please be aware that if you use your insurance benefits for any tests or scans outside this office, or to pay specialists to whom you are referred by Dr. Singer, a record of the referring physician (Dr. Singer in this case) may appear in that other facility. Talk to our staff about this if you have any concerns. Confidential records are only released with the patient's written permission or by valid subpoena.

Auto Accidents, Workers' Compensation and Personal Injury Claims require our staff to generate the appropriate insurance information, so please let us know in advance if any of these are the cause of your medical problem. Since your injuries may involve different insurance companies for whom we are not providers, payments for medical care are due at the time services are rendered. We can provide you with copies of reports and paperwork required for a minimal fee. It is the office policy that we do not accept liens. Please let our staff know in advance of the appointment if it involves an auto or work accident, or personal injury claim. 


Dr. Singer is on staff at El Camino-Los Gatos Hospital.